Waterside Centre Basketball

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Waterside’s 2nd Birthday!

3 August 2023

Today, we are celebrating the second anniversary of Waterside Centre reopening.

In keeping with our ethos, young people are leading the celebrations, updating the Waterside social media throughout the day as they celebrate what Waterside means to them and the positive difference Waterside makes to their lives.

It’s been quite a journey to get to where we are today, providing well-attended activities for young people, the Waterside Community Larder and much-loved venue to the local community.

We are also celebrating the second anniversary of Ailie, Waterside Centre Manager, joining the team. Ailie told us: “Having worked for Berkshire Youth for two years now, I can honestly say that it has been one of the most inspiring places to work. Seeing the centre grow and supporting so many young people on their journey, has made me so proud to be part of the Berkshire Youth team. Waterside Centre is such a great asset to the community and benefits not only young people; but the community as a whole. We are extremely grateful to all those who have supported us and continue to do so.

“I have been lucky enough to experience the full compliment of ever-expanding opportunities on offer; through involvement in sessional youth work, detached sessions, the administrative role, overseeing the running of the Community Larder, with our excellent team of volunteers, and now as Centre Manager. No day is the same; but they say, “Variety is the spice of life” and I am looking forward to being part of our continuing growth.”

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