Waterside Centre Basketball

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9 November 2022

We are pleased to announce that Sarah Emery will take over as Interim CEO at Berkshire Youth, with immediate effect. A longstanding employee, Sarah brings a wealth of experience. After 22 years of service, David Seward has decided to step down as CEO but will stay with us in a consultancy role to help develop a plan for the future growth of programmes for young people in Berkshire. We are delighted David’s expertise will be retained to help us develop the foundations for the next chapter of Berkshire Youth.

David has overseen immeasurable changes in youth work and support for young people during his tenure. From the demise of the County Council, through austerity and Covid, David’s solid leadership has directed the organisation through these periods of change, culminating in last week’s opening of Waterside Centre. It goes without saying; Berkshire Youth, our communities and young people are in a better place because of David’s passion and advocacy for the importance of youth work.

Berkshire Youth has been working with the National Youth Agency and The Berkeley Foundation to identify a long-term plan in response to the huge growth and demand to support young people. David will pass the day to day management of Berkshire Youth over to Sarah Emery and build on the work of the NYA review, supporting the creation of Berkshire Youth’s new strategy.

Roger Smee, President and Chairman of Berkshire Youth, said: “On behalf of all the Trustees, I would like to thank David for his 22 years at Berkshire Youth, supporting our communities, young people and the wider conversation about the importance of youth work. We are delighted to retain his talent in the organisation whilst we review our future strategy and search for a permanent replacement. Our thanks to Sarah Emery who will lead the organisation on an interim basis.”

We extend an invitation to our community and partners to join us in celebrating David’s time at Berkshire Youth on 9 December. For further details please contact admin@berkshireyouth.co.uk.

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