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Youth Work Week 2022

29 September 2022

We are starting to look ahead to Youth Work Week 2022, running from 7 – 13 November.

The theme is ‘A Festival of Youth Work’ and we’d love as many of our local young people. youth workers, funders, commissioners and leaders as possible to join us in celebrating the positive impact good youth work has on young people in the present, and for the future. We will soon be emailing all of our affiliated clubs to ask for your support with this.

Please email Julie with your photos, short videos and messages, and she will share them on our social media channels and on the National Youth Agency‘s website gallery over the course of Youth Work Week. Perhaps you could take  a photo or make a short video of yourself holding the ‘I Promise’ poster and share what you promise to start doing, or keep doing, for the youth sector?

Would you be happy to talk on local radio about this? Please get in touch with Julie to find out more!

We hope you will want to join us in celebrating the power of youth work, and telling everyone why it’s so vital!

#YouthWorkWeek #YWW22

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