Waterside Centre Basketball

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Meet Kenmore – Youth Worker

27 October 2022

We’re really pleased to introduce you to Kenmore, who has recently joined our Waterside team. Kenmore brings with him a wealth of experience, and bags of enthusiasm!

We recently caught up with him to learn more:

“I previously worked for a local authority within the leisure industry for over 25 years, and worked my way up from a leisure attendant to my final role as an operations manager. In this time, I was able to gain skills and knowledge for coaching/teaching people of all levels and ages in a number of different areas. I am currently RLSS T/A, fitness instructor Level 3 and an FA qualified coach.

“As a very supportive parent of five children, I understand and empathise with issues or obstacles that some young people are now having to deal with, both in school and out of it, within their social circles and environments. I am all for enabling young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence to better themselves within society, be respected within the community and feeling good about themselves, whilst passing this onto their peer groups to do the same… a bit like the ripple effect.

“I hope to make a difference with the young people I will be working with as well as continue to develop myself professionally within the youth sector.”

We are already really impressed with Kenmore’s positive attitude and commitment to support, empower and inspire our local young people. Welcome to the team, Kenmore!

Click here to learn more about the new youth café Kenmore will be running from Waterside Centre.

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